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The CRSO course is aimed at individuals that is involved with or may potentially be involved with Chiller and Refrigeration systems as applied in industry. These individuals may be from industrial plants, they may be energy efficiency experts or even service providers or equipment vendors.
The CRSO End User course discusses the “Systems Approach” to evaluate Cooling and Refrigeration (CR) systems, modeling of cooling and refrigeration systems using fundamental laws of physics, thermodynamics and heat transfer; proficiency in the use of BestPractices software tools (such as CRST, CWSAT, CoolPack, 3EPlus, etc.) as well as developing load profiles and energy baselines for CR systems.

The course will provide information on measurements required to manage CR systems, measure COP and estimate the magnitude of specific losses in a CR system. The identification and prioritisation of opportunities in single unit and multi-unit systems, distribution systems (and their insulation) and end-use will be covered. The use of different fluids such as refrigerants, water, oil and their inter-relationship and impact on the CR system will be discussed together with the impacts of the Montreal Protocol, Kyoto Protocol, Kigali amendment and other in-country regulations are discussed. Lastly the energy costs associated with the CR system will be calculated and the primary economic impact of potential opportunities evaluated.

Please note: An additional day will be added to the booking for tests.

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